SibelgaSafety campaign

The task
There's no such thing as 0 accidents at work... but we have to do everything we can to try and achieve it.
This is particularly relevant for Sibelga, which manages the gas and electricity networks in Brussels.
And it’s why its in-house communication department launched a call for tenders on this subject in 2021.
And Absolute Agency won!
The solution
Absolute Agency proposed a communication plan to Sibelga that would keep its staff gripped all year round.
This was to ensure that the message took root in their minds.
6 themes were established, which allowed for a rotation every 2 months in terms of visuals and basic message.
For the concept, the "employee of the month" approach was twisted around to instead showcase an injured employee by presenting them in a visual designed to shock.
The text "Don't be the injured employee of the month" accompanying this serious, bleak photo served to reinforce the message.
In addition to static visuals (designed to be displayed or digitally shared), behind-the-scenes videos were shot to accompany the campaign and take some of the drama out of it, while at the same time providing information.
An intranet section was also set up for each theme to provide advice and good practices.