
Insights /

Inside Comm’ #22
The benefits of mentoring in a company

Helene Renaud


Helene Renaud

Hello everyone, I’m Hélène Renaud, co-founder of Absolute Agency, and you’re listening to Inside Comm’.
During this podcast, we’ll explore the different issues and facets of internal communication in 2021! 🙂
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Are you familiar with mentoring?

It may sound like a word reserved for the world of entrepreneurship, but think again, it can also be found in the corporate world, and rightly so!

A mentoring programme in a corporate setting helps new employees or those just starting out in their careers to find experienced mentors.

These mentors are there to guide them on their career path.

I’m talking about young recruits learning from more senior staff, but let’s not simply write the young ones off, because there’s also reverse mentoring where more senior staff take on advice and exchange with the new generations!

You see, it’s quite open! 🙂

Mentoring brings a lot to a company, as it enhances performance and well-being by helping both the mentee and the mentor develop.

So what can an employee expect from a mentor?

01 | Firstly, I’d say sound advice.

Being able to benefit from the advice of an experienced professional, who has already been through testing situations, represents a real opportunity.

It’s clear that a mentor who has already taken on many challenges in their professional life, and who has witnessed various transformations in the market, possesses invaluable knowledge.

02 | Secondly, an overall vision of the company or the world of work in general.

It’s easy to get bogged down in an unfamiliar situation at work.

With the help of an experienced person who knows the difficulties that can be encountered, you can improve your decision-making and make more sensible choices.

Unlike a friend or relative, the mentor understands and analyses the situation objectively.

They are in a position to provide relevant advice for specific cases and avoid certain mistakes.

03 | And then, I would say sincerity.

It’s often difficult to discuss work-related problems with colleagues or those close to you, either because the subject is too sensitive or confidential, or because the professional feels that they won’t understand what they are going through.

The main qualities of mentors are listening and advising.

Their genuine sincerity means they make themselves available to their mentees.

They work alongside them to turn their ideas into action and help them anticipate and/or solve their problems.

04 | Another point not to be underestimated is access to a wider network.

Having the support of a mentor also provides access to a wider network.

If the mentor does not have a solution for dealing with a problem, there is probably someone in their network who does.

Networks such as LinkedIn are an excellent way to get in touch with skilled professionals, at the same time being recommended.

05 | And finally, there is also the opportunity to enhance your personal development.

The personal development of the manager and their team is a vital key to success for any company.

Here too, the mentor plays a decisive role. They share their experiences and guide their colleague.

It’s not always easy to find enough time to improve and refocus on your personal development.

One final point, I want to mention reverse mentoring again, which is being used by many companies today!

It’s clearly a great opportunity for all generations to work together, but be careful not to cut corners…

Successful reverse mentoring requires a willingness on both sides, a healthy dose of teaching from the mentor and an equally important willingness from the mentee.