Every day we scroll over 200 metres of screen with our thumb – the equivalent of two football fields. This is proof that content is consumed faster and faster. It is at the heart of this content complexity that we, Absolute Agency, have been immersed for more than 16 years now: at first fully offline, this content became considerably more complex with the arrival of digital ten years ago. That’s when we had to dive into the digital world to support our most demanding clients and continue to develop content that is adapted and has an impact on their targets.
Today, we build on this long, rich and varied experience with our clients and we believe that a good media mix between slow and snack content can be relevant!
So what are the benefits and risks of ‘Snacking Content’?
What you are about to read below will probably help you learn more about Snacking Content and its opportunities and limitations.

Time saving
Shorter (in length) than its more traditional video brethren, it is generally faster to create. But don’t take too quick a shortcut either: shorter content also requires a greater effort to be relevant in a shorter time and to capture the reader’s/internet user’s attention. Moreover, ‘Snacking Content’ allows you to have a more sustained publication rhythm. It is also a good way to recycle existing content by giving it a new lease of life, because, as you know, developing content requires a lot of resources, energy, creativity and time.
Better visibility
More frequent publication allows you to target a wider audience. By multiplying the sources of content, you will be more present in the minds of Internet users (‘Top of Mind, when you hold us…) and this will arouse their curiosity to dive into your longer content.
More attractive
More visual and impactful, this content allows you to be more visible and to capture attention more easily. Don’t forget that shorter content is not necessarily more attractive and visual, but let’s just say that when you start thinking about ‘Snacking Content’, it is very important to use the short duration as a positive element, because it will force you to make your content more powerful and striking in ‘one shot’, both from an argument point of view and from the point of view of visuals and types of animation.
Adapted to consumer habits
This ‘Snacking Content’ format generally responds well to the habits of Internet users, who have the annoying (and so pleasant) tendency to flit from one content to another, getting straight to the point. As a result, in a few handfuls of seconds, your ‘Snacking Content’ should have delivered your message and your good vibe!
Snacking content allows you to create an expectation and why not create appointments on specific themes. In parallel with a classic corporate or product-oriented video, a series of ‘Snacking Content’ videos will allow you to categorise your subjects by theme, to raise awareness and reach a wider range of targets.
Be careful not to abuse this type of ‘Snacking’ format to the point of neglecting substantive content: ‘Snacking Content’ should be used as bait and is not an end in itself. It is therefore important to ensure that publications are punctuated and that the types of content alternate so as not to obtain the opposite effect. The search for the Top of Mind is an eternal challenge for any company in search of notoriety and business success, but you must avoid excessive hyper-activity which will very quickly “bore” your targets and make them flee, in case of “too much information in all directions, just for the sake of existing everywhere and all the time. Respect your targets and they will thank you for it!
Quantity at the expense of quality
If you shorten content too much and overuse catchphrases, you run the risk of falling into superficiality and ’empty subjects’. Once attention is captured, you need to know how to hold it with quality, well-developed content. Don’t think of ‘Snacking Content’ as cheap propaganda, but as a way of getting into the heads of your targets in a subtle, offbeat, humorous way or by highlighting specific assets that will allow you to differentiate yourself from the competition.
Fashion effects
By trying too hard to follow the latest trends and fashions, you run the risk of blending in with the crowd and all your efforts will be wasted. It is therefore important to keep your own identity and to think before you act. In general, you are advised not to abuse benchmarking/competitive monitoring too much and to aim instead at setting up a strategy based on your real wishes, for greater authenticity and to forge more genuine links with your various targets.

You will have understood, the ‘Video Snacking’ is not a revolution but rather a way of apprehending the content, by allowing you a more sustained frequency (allowing you to increase your Top of Mind and by widening your targets), thanks to cleverly thought contents, intelligently orchestrated and brilliantly highlighted with aestheticism and cosmeticism 🙂
From Absolute Agency, we are at your disposal to share our feedback on this subject, to guide you and make you even more aware of the splendid opportunities offered by the ‘Snacking Video’ approach and of its limits and constraints. See you soon for new adventures which, we are sure, will be full of ‘well done content’!