
Insights /

Content marketing
Trends for 2022

Helene Renaud


Helene Renaud


At Absolute Agency, we firmly believe in Content Marketing as a differentiating element for brands and companies, as it represents value-added AND intelligent marketing. It is not for nothing that content creation has been at the heart of the agency’s activity for more than 16 years. So what are the developments at the beginning of this year?

Follow the guide 😊


The client at the center of ALL concerns

So sure, it sounds obvious, but I assure you, it’s not obvious to everyone. The first person a marketer should think about is their ‘end customer’… not their boss or internal customer!

Of course, there is no one type of customer and that’s why it’s a good idea to do some ‘persona’ work, which will allow you to better understand the expectations of your different targets and what you should communicate!

Your customers need spontaneous and informative

This second point follows directly from point 1… because it is obvious that if you have understood who your customer is and you know what might interest them, then you will be relevant.

Bringing value to your targets by producing interesting content is not easy… because the first reflex is to place your products or services in every communication… and this, wrongly.

So you have to do yourself a favour as a marketer to think of subjects that could make you a specialist and bring value to your customers in the long term… because yes, content marketing strategies are long-term strategies… but they represent a long-term and sustainable investment (an argument to put forward to your management if there is any reluctance!).

Choosing a content marketing strategy means establishing a close relationship between your prospect/customer and your company. You build strong links and engage your target in a two-way discussion.


Ultra-personalisation and recycling of content

Each medium has its own uses and codes… 

It is therefore important, before launching yourself on a specific social network, to study it in order to act in the best possible way. 

This is another good technique to personalize your content as much as possible, but also a trick to optimize your costs… because you don’t have to reinvent the wheel for each medium. What is published on Insta or Facebook can be transformed and adapted for LinkedIn or TikTok.

Don’t hesitate to do short with long and vice versa… have a look at our article on snacking content if you are interested in this subject. 


Turning your brand into a medium

Little trick question: what is the percentage of time you (as a customer) go to a website (of a brand, a company) and the time you spend on social networks?

I think the answer will be unanimous: we spend much more time on social networks than anywhere else…

So that’s where you need to be to get people talking about you and attracting attention.

But this is only true if you attract attention in the right way, because if you are too commercial or product-oriented, you will soon be left behind.

Today brands need to become media where they post content that adds value and really speaks to their target audience.

Brands like Red Bull, Welcome To the Jungle and We Invest have understood this and are riding this wave to inspire us and engage us in conversation!


The Star platform shift

The wind is shifting at high speed at the moment… After Facebook’s spectacular loss on the stock market in the last few days, one could say that the outlook is getting darker for Facebook, Insta and the others 😉

We’ve been witnessing the advent of TikTok for the past few months (year?) and brands should all be appearing there one after another very soon, as the audience of this medium changes… (and no, it’s not just kids/teens there anymore! Go and have a look to see for yourself… the algorithm is so well designed that, very quickly, you won’t have any (or almost any) young girls in full choreography, but more and more subjects that interest you… and it’s very addictive, believe me!)


Video media still in the lead!

As the ‘star platforms’ are in full slide and as we watch TikTok’s position, it goes without saying that video is doing well…  quod erat demonstrandum!

But beyond this simple observation, we know that as a creative communication agency, we have to rethink our way of creating videos all the time…

To satisfy the algorithm and not lose the rhythm, we must publish often and above all regularly.

So, in addition to long-lasting and watchable videos (which are worth a bigger investment), we need to add quick and frugal videos to keep the pace and maintain the ‘top of mind’.

But frugal doesn’t mean done quickly, badly đŸ€Ș  

Still, strategy, substance and a bit of cosmetics is important to make the difference with other content and therefore help you stand out from the crowd.

If you need advice on these exciting topics, you know where to find us 😉